Marathon 2010 – the week in contrast
November 6, 2010
Too close
Here I was, standing just a few metres from the most powerful man in the country. The national anthem, which had played so many times in my lifetime, was on. The brass band had over-done themselves on this tune. Their sound was coming from my immediate left, the man of the moment just straight ahead, while we were on a tent just opposite the main dais. The weather was still, with no sunshine. In fact, it started drizzling as the Agricultural secretary was giving his remarks. Those on my immediate front row, being exposes to the drizzles, started dragging their seats backwards, causing a momentary commotion. The many men in dark suits were in chagrin – but on this day they must have been sufficiently philanthropic, since they did not make any attempt to move towards our tent.
But where was such a weather when we needed it last Sunday? On this thirty-first day of October, I had woken up at 5am and took breakfast, whose paraphernalia had been set the previous night. (On the same prep day Saturday, I had spend the whole day virtually in bed – a prerequisite rest before the full 42km run that I was to participate in). After breakfast, I dressed up in the running gear, which consisted a polyster T-shirt branded '24-hour Banking' on the front side. Just below these words, was affixed my race number 459. I had already written my details on the lower part of the number, just below the perforation. The back side of the shirt must have been branded 'Run for Sight' – but I did not have eyes behind me, so I would have to read someone else's or ask someone to read it for me. I had the blue running shorts and brown sports shoes. The timing chip was this time round affixed behind the run number and was disposable. (Previously, we were provided with white disc shaped timers that we affixed on the running shoes. These would be handed back at the finishing line).
Early morning
I left the house at 5.30am for the 15minutes walk to the assembly point at the workplace. The departure time was to be strictly 6.00am. At the main gate, I found the bus ready. I had spend the last three days of the working week reminding the driver of the importance of this day. On Friday he had reconfirmed that he would be at the compound by 5.45am. We had already purchased some bottled water and energy drinks, which we now loaded onto the bus as we awaited the departure time. True to threat, at exactly 6.00am, the bus left the compound. By this time, two athletes who had confirmed use of bus had not yet arrived – but an agreement is an agreement.
The Ngong road was unusually free from its characteristic traffic jam that persists almost 24-hours daily. By 6.30am we were already at the KNH-Mbagathi road junction. We took Mbagathi road towards Langata road, with the intention of joining Langata road to the Nyayo stadium venue of the event. At the junction, however, we found the road towards the stadium already closed. The time was just about 6.40am. The alternative route would take us through some side roads to finally get us near the stadium. This is where I alighted and started my jog towards the stadium. I knew that my race was about to start and could not risk any more time in the bus. The rest remained in the bus to navigate through the now jammed alternative route.
I joined the big crowd that was at the 42km assembly point on Mombasa road, just after the area marked '42km elite runners'. The elites were behind the starting line. At this early time of the morning, the weather was unpredictable. It was cool as any typical morning, but lacked insight into what it would bring forth in the next few hours. At 6.55am the horn sounded and the wheel chair race started, about twenty metres from where I was standing. This marked the start of movement of all athletes towards the starting line. The announcer requested athletes to keep still, but the mass of humanity pressed forward to the starting point. A restraining human shield of about twenty security guards lined up across the road, attempted to push athletes back. Only the easing of pressure from the runners enabled their shield to remain intact, otherwise their efforts were nothing compared to the thousands eager to start the run.
Starting out
At exactly 7.00am there was sound of gun shot – this is what marked the beginning of the run. My first thoughts as I started off easily were the rationale behind having a gun start such important events. Aren't guns symbolism for death and murder? But I let this line of thought slip through, as I headed for the railway flyover towards the Uhuru park circuit. Later I would get back to Uhuru highway from the park, run to University way roundabout, then Kenyatta avenue tour back to the Uhuru highway. We did a short tour of Parliament road, then another tour of Haile Sellasie avenue. Each of these city street tours got us back to Uhuru highway.
I was back to the stadium at about 7.45am. I expected to have covered about 10km by this time. We were just using the same route of last year, which I was now very farmiliar with. The part of the run that I hate is the two circuits on Mombasa road, each about 16km. I was at the extreme end of the course on the first circuit at about 8.20am. Then all of a sudden, the sun was switched on!
One week later, here I am enjoying this fine weather. After the initial drizzles, the weather has improved quite suddenly. In a blink, the showers are off and a mild but warm sunshine has emerged overhead. It is now about one o'clock. “May I now take this opportunity to invite His Excellency the President to address you. Welcome Mr. President,” the Minister for Livestock Development declares.
There is applause, while those on the main podium and the next ones to the left and right stand up. The big group on our tent stays put. The rest resume their seats when the president starts his speech. The good weather provides perfect atmosphere for photography. While our research activities is receiving accolades from the highest quarters, our armature photography is being put to the test, as we click away. But the thought of last weekend's run could just not go away...
The sun
When the sun started heating me after 8.20am, I decided to put on the cap that I was all along just carrying on my hand. The run back to the stadium for the second circuit was uneventful. I met with the 21km runners on my side of the road, and saw the others on the opposite side. Someone shouts, “Prezi,” on the opposite side of the road. I recognize a familiar cap. I raise my own cap in acknowledgment. As we face the second circuit at the Nyayo stadium roundabout, there is a sign that reads '42km first round, turn right'. I am full of envy for the 21km runners who are on a compulsory '21km turn left to stadium'.
The second circuit was memorable for the intensive sun. It was the hottest day in my run history at the Nairobi event! I severally had to pour the bottled water on my head to keep me going. The organizers compensated for this by making sure that water was available at all water points in the course of both circuits – something that they neglected last year (though the weather favoured them then). I ensured that I picked a 250ml water bottle at each water point since the start of the run at the city tour circuit. (I recall a fellow athlete warning me not to 'take water' during my run. I looked at him and knew that he was running for the first time at a stretch more that 10km). In fact I had to start picking two water bottles at each point as I was getting back to the finish on the second circuit. I took some and washed myself in the rest. It was hot, I told you!
Every year the organizers fail in this particular area, and this year was no exception – the distance markers! There was none, apart from one that indicated '35km' somewhere on Mombasa road. When I saw it on the first circuit, after about 90minutes of run, I was about so celebrate breaking of a record, since that would mean finishing the run in about 2hrs! But I had studied the map and knew that it was a two-circuit run. I now realize that the marker was even misplaced, based on the timing that I finally did. I was embarrassed to see a lot of distance markers laying in a pile at the extreme end of the run circuit on Mombasa road!!
Good times
While David Barmasai, 893, was finishing the run in 2.10.31 followed by Philemon Gitia in 2.11.10 and Vincent Sittuk in 2.12.09, the ladies champs were just behind them. Hellen Kiprop lead their pack in 2.31.11, while Leah Malot and Frashiah Nyambura followed in 2.33.41 and 2.35.09. The course records of 2.10.12 and 2.28.07 respectively were still intact. I had seen these athletes heading to the finish line while I was on the second circuit. I was not bothered though. I was ready to finish the run in whatever time this year. A 3.30hr would make me happy, but any finish time was good enough. I was doing the third consecutive 42km with varied past results – both of which were under 3.30hr. My inaugural run in '08 was done in 3.26.27 on a cool Nairobi morning. My best time was achieved last year when I did a 3.07.51 run – but at the expense of almost not making it for another run. When I finally reached the stadium for the finish, my time was reading 3.26.00 as I finalized the last 400m inside the stadium. The final drive to the finish line was achieved due to the cheers from colleagues at the terraces. But where were the photographers to capture this big moment?
It is not long since about seven football fans died at this same stadium following a stampede when one of the gates was broken down. This event led to the closure of the stadium for all events. There was even fear that the marathon may be canceled or relocated to a different venue. Being allowed to use the venue came at a price – no one was allowed in the main field. After finishing the run, all were being directed outside the stadium, then to the terraces. After my run, I picked a medal at the tents outside the stadium, then walked to the assembly point where other colleagues were. I noticed that the medal did not indicate the run date or year! It simply had inscription 'Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon 42km finisher'. The lace however indicated 'Nairobi Marathon 2010'. (The medals upto 2008 indicated the date of run and run series on the medal itself. I know that recycling is a worldwide phenomena, but surely, not the medals!). We hardly managed any photos before we were on our way out. The usual entertainment, taking a walk in the field, medical camps, food stations, drink vendors, photography at the finishers podium and the traditional group photo at the finish line were all left to nostalgia – the stadium was just closed!
The Helix
On this Friday when the final anthem was played and the president departed, we were left with the opportunity to visit the commemorative plaque that he had just unveiled. There were so many colleague photographers to capture the moment. The red carpet, the podium, the presidential dais, the helix (this DNA structure was actually what the day was all about. The structure stands about two meter tall). Beneath the helix, was the plaque that read “BecA Hub was officially opened by HE The President of The Republic of Kenya on 5-Nov-2010”.
Last Sunday night I slept tired, with arching legs and forced to wake up to a work day. One week later, am waking up late, rested and feeling good. It is not a work day and I can still afford another rest day tomorrow. Last Sunday, someone shouted 'prezi' while I was on the track. One week later, it is mentioned in whispers with lots of caution. Last Sunday, I could only guess my final run time. One week later, my final time is published at the marathon website as 3.27.14. The events of yesterday a real contrast to those of last Sunday.
WWB, Nairobi, Kenya, November 6, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
42km, 21km and 10km training for 2010 Nairobi Marathon
Disclaimer - the schedules presented are formulated from personal and group training experience. They work for the training group that am part of. They are provided as a guide. Learn to 'obey your body' as the main factor when undertaking the activities mentioned.
The date of the 2010 Nairobi International Marathon has been announced for Sunday, October 31, 2010 and registration is on. I know that we have been preparing for this run (somehow). I give you some motivation through a 10-week guide to training for the marathon. These are beginner schedules - for those doing these runs for fun or for the first time. Those who have participated for more than two times and would like to improve on their timing should consult me for level 2 training schedules. Here goes:
10km run schedule
21km half marathon schedule
42km full marathon schedule
On the schedules I have indicated activity/distance & time. The run strategy is:
- three weekday runs
- one weekend run (usually long). This long run is shown on a Sunday, but can be substituted for Saturday, depending on your preference.
The distance and time shown on the schedule are provided as a guide to the relationship between the two during your training. Gauge the time with how you feel. Remember to 'obey your body' and not to over-stay on the road if you are not upto it.
a) 10km run schedule
The aim is to start and finish the run within 1hr 30min, to run without stopping and to be able to walk the next day after the run.
Table shows activity being done (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
b) 21km half-marathon schedule
The aim is to finish the race in under 3.00hr and also to run from start to finish. Thereafter, you should be able to 'continue with life' the day after the marathon.
Table shows distance in km (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
c) 42km full-marathon schedule
This is a serious run which requires good physical condition, adequate training and mental preparedness. It should only be attempted by those who have participated in at least two competitive 21km marathons.
Table shows distance in km (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
Happy training everybody and see you all on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya at the starting line for our various races - just do it for yourself.
WWB, Nairobi, Kenya, August 22, 2010.
The date of the 2010 Nairobi International Marathon has been announced for Sunday, October 31, 2010 and registration is on. I know that we have been preparing for this run (somehow). I give you some motivation through a 10-week guide to training for the marathon. These are beginner schedules - for those doing these runs for fun or for the first time. Those who have participated for more than two times and would like to improve on their timing should consult me for level 2 training schedules. Here goes:
10km run schedule
21km half marathon schedule
42km full marathon schedule
On the schedules I have indicated activity/distance & time. The run strategy is:
- three weekday runs
- one weekend run (usually long). This long run is shown on a Sunday, but can be substituted for Saturday, depending on your preference.
The distance and time shown on the schedule are provided as a guide to the relationship between the two during your training. Gauge the time with how you feel. Remember to 'obey your body' and not to over-stay on the road if you are not upto it.
a) 10km run schedule
The aim is to start and finish the run within 1hr 30min, to run without stopping and to be able to walk the next day after the run.
Week | Wks to go | S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
1 (Aug.22) | 10 | Jog (30min) | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (30min) | Rest |
2 | 9 | Jog (45min) | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
3 (Sep.5) | 8 | Jog (45min) | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
4 | 7 | Jog (1hr) | Walk (30min) | Rest | Jog (1hr) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
5 | 6 | Jog (1hr) | Walk (45min) | Rest | Jog (1hr) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
6 | 5 | Jog* (1hr15m) | Walk (45min) | Rest | Jog (1hr) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
7 (Oct.3) | 4 | Jog* (1hr30m) | Walk (45min) | Rest | Jog* (1hr15m) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
8 | 3 | Jog (1hr) | Jog (45min) | Rest | Jog (1hr) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
9 | 2 | Jog (45min) | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest | Jog (45min) | Rest |
10 | 1 | Jog (30min) | Jog (30min) | Rest | Jog (30min) | Rest | Walk (30min) | Rest |
11 (Oct.31) | 0 | 10km (Run) | Rest | Rest | Walk (30min) | Rest | Walk (30min) | Rest |
Table shows activity being done (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
b) 21km half-marathon schedule
The aim is to finish the race in under 3.00hr and also to run from start to finish. Thereafter, you should be able to 'continue with life' the day after the marathon.
Week | Wks to go | S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
1 (Aug.22) | 10 | 6 (45min) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest |
2 | 9 | 8 (1hr) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
3 (Sep.5) | 8 | 10 (1hr15m) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
4 | 7 | 12 (1hr30m) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
5 | 6 | 15* (1hr45m) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest |
6 | 5 | 18* (2hr) | 6 (45min) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest |
7 (Oct.3) | 4 | 20* (2hr15m) | 6 (45min) | Rest | 10 (1hr15m) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest |
8 | 3 | 14 (1hr45m) | 6 (45min) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest |
9 | 2 | 12 (1hr30m) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 6 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
10 | 1 | 5 (45min) | 3 (30min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest | 3 (30min) | Rest |
11 (Oct.31) | 0 | 21km (Marathon) | Rest | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
Table shows distance in km (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
c) 42km full-marathon schedule
This is a serious run which requires good physical condition, adequate training and mental preparedness. It should only be attempted by those who have participated in at least two competitive 21km marathons.
Week | Wks to go | S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
1 (Aug.22) | 10 | 18 (2hr15m) | 7 (1hr) | Rest | 10 (1hr15m) | Rest | 7 (1hr) | Rest |
2 | 9 | 20 (2hr15m) | 7 (1hr) | Rest | 10 (1hr15m) | Rest | 7 (1hr) | Rest |
3 (Sep.5) | 8 | 23 (2hr30m) | 7 (1hr) | Rest | 11 (1hr15m) | Rest | 7 (1hr) | Rest |
4 | 7 | 26* (3hr) | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 13 (1hr30m) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest |
5 | 6 | 26* (3hr) | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 13 (1hr30m) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest |
6 | 5 | 28* (3hr15m) | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 13 (1hr30m) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest |
7 (Oct.3) | 4 | 29* (3hr15m) | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 13 (1hr30m) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest |
8 | 3 | 32* (3hr30m) | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 13 (1hr30m) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest |
9 | 2 | 15 (2hr) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 8 (1hr) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
10 | 1 | 8 (1hr) | 5 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
11 (Oct.31) | 0 | 42km (Marathon) | Rest | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest | 5 (45min) | Rest |
Table shows distance in km (and time)
*Caution - This is a Long run, attempt only when fit and confident
Happy training everybody and see you all on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi, Kenya at the starting line for our various races - just do it for yourself.
WWB, Nairobi, Kenya, August 22, 2010.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nairobi Sotokoto Marathon II comes with new surprises
Nairobi Sotokoto Marathon II comes with new surprises
May 23, 2010
Nairobi, Kenya
Finishing the second edition of Sotokoto marathon on a new route, with two circuits, in 1.38.50, was a pointer to something wrong with the route or the distance. The last such event on the previous route was conquered in 1.32.55. I noticed the discrepancy when I finished the first circuit in 0.50, instead of 0.45 or thereabout. And as is turning to be a tradition, there was nothing to show for it – no medal, no participation certificate and no official time! We were basically on our own!
When I retired home to rest, I had resolved to give this event no accolades and was ready to have it skip the blog. I was in fact mood-less, having walked from Uhuru Gardens to town after public service vehicles (matatus) doubled fares claiming the roads were closed, yet at this time of the day at 12.30pm, the roads were already open to traffic that was flowing as usual. This added another 8km on my bill. I was not yet over the doubling of fares in the morning as I was heading to Uhuru Gardens. I paid this first fare, grudgingly and with lots of protest. Though I was forced to do this due to my hurry to reach the starting point before time – this being just less than an hour away. My Sotokoto II experience was therefore not worth a big shout.
Missed calls
The phone must have been ringing for ages when I woke up at about 7.00pm. I found about ten missed calls from a familiar number. To settle with the caller, I decided to find out what could the matter be.
“Dad, I have been calling you! I wanted to know your marathon experience!”
“Can someone just sleep in peace!,” is what my mind said, though I answered, “Am tired and asleep, get me tomorrow.” I told the ten year old girl.
“Without your experience am not going to school tomorrow!”
“Yes, we have to narrate our dad's day out and if I do not have a story then am not going to school”
Talk about blackmail, on phone!
Glass of water
I was still drowsy but managed to take a glassful of water. (I make it a habit to have water at hand after such runs. The current 3l bottle was about three-quarter downed since I arrived home from the marathon at 2.00pm.)
“Okay, pull the map of Nairobi from your Geography book and I shall narrate as you appreciate the type of run that we had.”
I had some clatter on the other side of the line, then, “I have it”
I asked that the phone be put on speaker for ease of following up the map while listening.
The route
I had informed the princess to put marker points at Uhuru Gardens, Mbagathi roundabout and Nyayo stadium. I explained that the route was generally from Uhuru Gardens through Langata road to Mbagathi roundabout. From there we had about 500m run on Mbagathi road, then back to the roundabout and proceeded towards Nyayo stadium, which we circled using Aerodromes road, Mombasa road and back to Langata road. This route took us back to Uhuru Gardens – our starting point.
As I took a sip of water, I heard the other end of the phone claim that, “That was not so bad – seems straight and not very far.”
“Not so fast,” I cautioned her. “What I forgot to mention was that this route was to be repeated!”
The two circuit route confused both pros and armatures - with the winner confessing that when they faced the second circuit, some members of the leading pack seem to have been in surprise, having expected to be on their way to the finish line. In fact, the website of a popular media house (and the only one) covering the event went ahead and published this... “The 2010 Sotokoto Safari Marathon was a full 42km event after organizers and Athletics Kenya (AK) upgraded it from the 21km distance covered in its inaugural edition last year.” I told you the two circuits had more than met the legs!
The run started at exactly 9.00am. I met the leading pack of runners as I did the first circuit just at the Madaraka flyover. I was heading to the stadium while they were on Langata road heading back to the Uhuru Gardens starting point. I was trailing them on the second circuit, where I met them at the Mbagathi roundabout as they headed to the finish line while I still had the Nyayo stadium stretch to do before heading for Uhuru Gardens to finish the run.
One shortcoming that I noted was the lack of confirmation that all runners were doing the two circuits. Unfortunately, most runners who finished the first circuit in over 1.20 just headed for the finish line without attempting the second circuit. (and were ranked as having posted such god times). I had reservations about this two-circuit thing (without timing chips) from the word go – and now I was being proved right. But it seemed that the organizers were only interested in the top 10. These are the ones whom they timed, whom they rewarded and whom they made mention of.
The good and the bad
“So what were the major milestones this year, compared to last?”
I explained that the route was completely closed to traffic during the three hour of closure as promised. This assured safety of the runners. Water was also supplied in plenty during the two circuits on the route and at the finish line, where each finisher was being given three water bottles and subsequent doses of three, if needed. Finishing at the Uhuru Gardens also sounded 'safer' than the finish point inside the national park last time. The running pack also included a cap (for the first time), while the quality of their T-shirts has always been good.
Parading a solar car and using it throughout the route (to prove that it worked) was quite a techonological showcase that rhymed well with the conservation theme.
“... and the bad!”
“Hey you are finishing my airtime!”
“Just in summary”
“There was no giant timer for the leading pack – this was a major omission! Especially being an international event.”
I further narrated the disadvantages of two circuit runs when there is lack of enforcement. Other issues that need improvement:
- there were no distance markers on the route
- the need to provide the finishers with some form of certificates
- the need to come up with some method of timing (the timing chip idea can work)
- better methods of registration (most registration centres were not working or claimed to lack registration materials)
- lack of running kits at all registration centres! These kits were availed on the last day at the KWS headquarters secretariat offices. You can imagine the inconvenience that was caused. It took me about six failed trips to Uhuru Gardens, AK offices, Nyayo stadium offices and KWS headquarters to get the kit. In fact I managed to get the kit less than 24-hours before the run!
The results
“I saw you on TV. You were having a blue short and white T-shirt. Your number was six-something”
“Oh! You did! I was actually on that attire. My race number was 626, though my finishing position of 351. Last time I finished 333, but I know the new route has issues that Google Earth shall sort out tomorrow”
“Google what?”
“Sorry, I shall be confirming the route distance using my internet map. I tend to think that it was longer than 21km. My step counter indicated the distance as 22.31km.”
I was tempted to inform her further that last year's winner clocked 1.02 on the previous route while the current champion (Geoffrey Kiprono Kimutai) did 1.07.55 followed by last years winner (David Tarus) with 1.08.21. This should be proof that this route was about 6-minutes longer (even for the champ). The ladies winner was Hellen Jelagat with 1.17.52, coincidentally followed by last years winner (Irene Jerotich) with 1.19.22, who conquered last year's course in 1.11. The top three winners took home US$15,000, US$7,500 and US$5,000 respectively. The price money however rolled down the top ten with 3k, 1.5k, 1k, 500, 250, 150 and 100 bucks being handed over to the rest of the team.
I however left out these details as they would just confuse her class during her narration next day.
I heard beeps on the line as it went dead. I thought that calling at 3/= a minute was cheap, but after 20minutes, cheap is expensive.
WWB, Nairobi, May 23, 2010
May 23, 2010
Nairobi, Kenya
Finishing the second edition of Sotokoto marathon on a new route, with two circuits, in 1.38.50, was a pointer to something wrong with the route or the distance. The last such event on the previous route was conquered in 1.32.55. I noticed the discrepancy when I finished the first circuit in 0.50, instead of 0.45 or thereabout. And as is turning to be a tradition, there was nothing to show for it – no medal, no participation certificate and no official time! We were basically on our own!
When I retired home to rest, I had resolved to give this event no accolades and was ready to have it skip the blog. I was in fact mood-less, having walked from Uhuru Gardens to town after public service vehicles (matatus) doubled fares claiming the roads were closed, yet at this time of the day at 12.30pm, the roads were already open to traffic that was flowing as usual. This added another 8km on my bill. I was not yet over the doubling of fares in the morning as I was heading to Uhuru Gardens. I paid this first fare, grudgingly and with lots of protest. Though I was forced to do this due to my hurry to reach the starting point before time – this being just less than an hour away. My Sotokoto II experience was therefore not worth a big shout.
Missed calls
The phone must have been ringing for ages when I woke up at about 7.00pm. I found about ten missed calls from a familiar number. To settle with the caller, I decided to find out what could the matter be.
“Dad, I have been calling you! I wanted to know your marathon experience!”
“Can someone just sleep in peace!,” is what my mind said, though I answered, “Am tired and asleep, get me tomorrow.” I told the ten year old girl.
“Without your experience am not going to school tomorrow!”
“Yes, we have to narrate our dad's day out and if I do not have a story then am not going to school”
Talk about blackmail, on phone!
Glass of water
I was still drowsy but managed to take a glassful of water. (I make it a habit to have water at hand after such runs. The current 3l bottle was about three-quarter downed since I arrived home from the marathon at 2.00pm.)
“Okay, pull the map of Nairobi from your Geography book and I shall narrate as you appreciate the type of run that we had.”
I had some clatter on the other side of the line, then, “I have it”
I asked that the phone be put on speaker for ease of following up the map while listening.
The route
I had informed the princess to put marker points at Uhuru Gardens, Mbagathi roundabout and Nyayo stadium. I explained that the route was generally from Uhuru Gardens through Langata road to Mbagathi roundabout. From there we had about 500m run on Mbagathi road, then back to the roundabout and proceeded towards Nyayo stadium, which we circled using Aerodromes road, Mombasa road and back to Langata road. This route took us back to Uhuru Gardens – our starting point.
As I took a sip of water, I heard the other end of the phone claim that, “That was not so bad – seems straight and not very far.”
“Not so fast,” I cautioned her. “What I forgot to mention was that this route was to be repeated!”
The two circuit route confused both pros and armatures - with the winner confessing that when they faced the second circuit, some members of the leading pack seem to have been in surprise, having expected to be on their way to the finish line. In fact, the website of a popular media house (and the only one) covering the event went ahead and published this... “The 2010 Sotokoto Safari Marathon was a full 42km event after organizers and Athletics Kenya (AK) upgraded it from the 21km distance covered in its inaugural edition last year.” I told you the two circuits had more than met the legs!
The run started at exactly 9.00am. I met the leading pack of runners as I did the first circuit just at the Madaraka flyover. I was heading to the stadium while they were on Langata road heading back to the Uhuru Gardens starting point. I was trailing them on the second circuit, where I met them at the Mbagathi roundabout as they headed to the finish line while I still had the Nyayo stadium stretch to do before heading for Uhuru Gardens to finish the run.
One shortcoming that I noted was the lack of confirmation that all runners were doing the two circuits. Unfortunately, most runners who finished the first circuit in over 1.20 just headed for the finish line without attempting the second circuit. (and were ranked as having posted such god times). I had reservations about this two-circuit thing (without timing chips) from the word go – and now I was being proved right. But it seemed that the organizers were only interested in the top 10. These are the ones whom they timed, whom they rewarded and whom they made mention of.
The good and the bad
“So what were the major milestones this year, compared to last?”
I explained that the route was completely closed to traffic during the three hour of closure as promised. This assured safety of the runners. Water was also supplied in plenty during the two circuits on the route and at the finish line, where each finisher was being given three water bottles and subsequent doses of three, if needed. Finishing at the Uhuru Gardens also sounded 'safer' than the finish point inside the national park last time. The running pack also included a cap (for the first time), while the quality of their T-shirts has always been good.
Parading a solar car and using it throughout the route (to prove that it worked) was quite a techonological showcase that rhymed well with the conservation theme.
“... and the bad!”
“Hey you are finishing my airtime!”
“Just in summary”
“There was no giant timer for the leading pack – this was a major omission! Especially being an international event.”
I further narrated the disadvantages of two circuit runs when there is lack of enforcement. Other issues that need improvement:
- there were no distance markers on the route
- the need to provide the finishers with some form of certificates
- the need to come up with some method of timing (the timing chip idea can work)
- better methods of registration (most registration centres were not working or claimed to lack registration materials)
- lack of running kits at all registration centres! These kits were availed on the last day at the KWS headquarters secretariat offices. You can imagine the inconvenience that was caused. It took me about six failed trips to Uhuru Gardens, AK offices, Nyayo stadium offices and KWS headquarters to get the kit. In fact I managed to get the kit less than 24-hours before the run!
The results
“I saw you on TV. You were having a blue short and white T-shirt. Your number was six-something”
“Oh! You did! I was actually on that attire. My race number was 626, though my finishing position of 351. Last time I finished 333, but I know the new route has issues that Google Earth shall sort out tomorrow”
“Google what?”
“Sorry, I shall be confirming the route distance using my internet map. I tend to think that it was longer than 21km. My step counter indicated the distance as 22.31km.”
I was tempted to inform her further that last year's winner clocked 1.02 on the previous route while the current champion (Geoffrey Kiprono Kimutai) did 1.07.55 followed by last years winner (David Tarus) with 1.08.21. This should be proof that this route was about 6-minutes longer (even for the champ). The ladies winner was Hellen Jelagat with 1.17.52, coincidentally followed by last years winner (Irene Jerotich) with 1.19.22, who conquered last year's course in 1.11. The top three winners took home US$15,000, US$7,500 and US$5,000 respectively. The price money however rolled down the top ten with 3k, 1.5k, 1k, 500, 250, 150 and 100 bucks being handed over to the rest of the team.
I however left out these details as they would just confuse her class during her narration next day.
I heard beeps on the line as it went dead. I thought that calling at 3/= a minute was cheap, but after 20minutes, cheap is expensive.
WWB, Nairobi, May 23, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Running at the border
Sunday, March 14, 2010 - Malakisi, Kenya
Out of the city
When I set out for this run on a hot evening, I did not know what I was upto. It was a new route, never before tackled but whose challenge was just too inviting to resist. As usual, I gathered information on the route from those who claimed to know it. They all agreed that the first phase would lead me to Angurai market, then I would traverse the terrain to the other market of Chamasiri. From there I would be on the main road back to Malakisi where I was staying.
To get to Malakisi, I had taken a night bus from Nairobi to the western Kenya town of Bungoma. From Bungoma I took a vehicle bound for the border town of Malaba but alighted at the junction shopping centre of Kimaeti. From there the only means of travel was motorbike, which I took through the dusty road to Malakisi. (Am informed that the competition between motorbikes and public service vehicles on this route was so intense that only the motorbikes were left standing, having floored the latter. The road condition did not make matters any better for the four-wheels either)
Malakisi town is famed for its hosting the gigantic BAT Malakisi Leaf Centre - a tobacco leaf processing centre. The main crop in the area is therefore tobacco leaf, a seasonal crop that is found in most farms. Additionally most homes have a curing shed for this crop, before it can be moved to the leaf centre. Subsistence farming of grains is also undertaken, though the area is generally dry. The Teso and Bukusu are the major tribes in the town and locality.
In the evening before the run, I was watching this Nigerian movie where a sister managed to ensure that two of her sibling's weddings did not take place. She was just about to stop a third one when my run time of 5.00pm was here with me, so I gave up on the movie, put on my attire and off I went. It was now 5.10pm as I started the run.
Dusty hilly road
What I was not told was that the route from Malakisi to Angurai market would be a 6km stretch of hilly terrain – this was left for my discovery. The road was dry-weather, dusty and at places uneven. There were not vehicles using the road for the most part. Occasionally, a motorbike would pass by, while there were several bicycles that adorned the route. I passed by Rwatama Primary and Katakwa Secondary schools, just as the route had been explained and I felt that I was surely on the right track. The hilly section was not any easy, especially when the evening sun persisted.
In thirty-minutes, I was at the Angurai market. The market folks looked strangely at this stranger that was running through their market place and whispered whatever to each other. I just passed by and diverted from the main Moding road and got onto the road that would lead me to Chamasiri. This was another dusty path, hardly capable of supporting vehicle size nor load. The first part of the road was a downhill stretch upto a river. Thereafter I faced a hilly section with Aloete Primary on that side of a river, just next to a posho mill that spewed dark smoke from its diesel engine driven mill. I reached Chamasiri in exactly one hour, where I met a familiar road that would surely lead me back to Malakisi. (From Chamasiri the hilly plains of Uganda are clearly visible on one side, and the Mount Elgon follows close by on the same background. In fact about seven kilometers down the road from I am now is the border town of Lwakhakha – but this is a run for another day)
Two schools
This last stretch was basically a triumphant last stage. It had one gentle hill from Chamasiri for about one kilometer, then a flat terrain all the way back. Two kilometers later I was passing by Kolanya Boys High School on my right followed immediately by Kolanya Girls on the left. (Those two have an history but that is for another day. Just know that the girls had beaten the boys academically until last year when it is claimed both changed top management). After Kolanya market, I was on the last three kilometers back to my end of run.
When I arrived back at 6.30pm and informed my hosts that am just through with a 19.4km run, had overtaken a lorry and that they failed to warn me of the hilly section to Angurai, they were in so much shock to even comment. My stop watch registering 1.28.38. To them only someone out of his mind would run that distance. Thinking about it, who in his right mind would chase the wind that long!
WWB, Malakisi, Kenya, March 2010
Out of the city
When I set out for this run on a hot evening, I did not know what I was upto. It was a new route, never before tackled but whose challenge was just too inviting to resist. As usual, I gathered information on the route from those who claimed to know it. They all agreed that the first phase would lead me to Angurai market, then I would traverse the terrain to the other market of Chamasiri. From there I would be on the main road back to Malakisi where I was staying.
To get to Malakisi, I had taken a night bus from Nairobi to the western Kenya town of Bungoma. From Bungoma I took a vehicle bound for the border town of Malaba but alighted at the junction shopping centre of Kimaeti. From there the only means of travel was motorbike, which I took through the dusty road to Malakisi. (Am informed that the competition between motorbikes and public service vehicles on this route was so intense that only the motorbikes were left standing, having floored the latter. The road condition did not make matters any better for the four-wheels either)
Malakisi town is famed for its hosting the gigantic BAT Malakisi Leaf Centre - a tobacco leaf processing centre. The main crop in the area is therefore tobacco leaf, a seasonal crop that is found in most farms. Additionally most homes have a curing shed for this crop, before it can be moved to the leaf centre. Subsistence farming of grains is also undertaken, though the area is generally dry. The Teso and Bukusu are the major tribes in the town and locality.
In the evening before the run, I was watching this Nigerian movie where a sister managed to ensure that two of her sibling's weddings did not take place. She was just about to stop a third one when my run time of 5.00pm was here with me, so I gave up on the movie, put on my attire and off I went. It was now 5.10pm as I started the run.
Dusty hilly road
What I was not told was that the route from Malakisi to Angurai market would be a 6km stretch of hilly terrain – this was left for my discovery. The road was dry-weather, dusty and at places uneven. There were not vehicles using the road for the most part. Occasionally, a motorbike would pass by, while there were several bicycles that adorned the route. I passed by Rwatama Primary and Katakwa Secondary schools, just as the route had been explained and I felt that I was surely on the right track. The hilly section was not any easy, especially when the evening sun persisted.
In thirty-minutes, I was at the Angurai market. The market folks looked strangely at this stranger that was running through their market place and whispered whatever to each other. I just passed by and diverted from the main Moding road and got onto the road that would lead me to Chamasiri. This was another dusty path, hardly capable of supporting vehicle size nor load. The first part of the road was a downhill stretch upto a river. Thereafter I faced a hilly section with Aloete Primary on that side of a river, just next to a posho mill that spewed dark smoke from its diesel engine driven mill. I reached Chamasiri in exactly one hour, where I met a familiar road that would surely lead me back to Malakisi. (From Chamasiri the hilly plains of Uganda are clearly visible on one side, and the Mount Elgon follows close by on the same background. In fact about seven kilometers down the road from I am now is the border town of Lwakhakha – but this is a run for another day)
Two schools
This last stretch was basically a triumphant last stage. It had one gentle hill from Chamasiri for about one kilometer, then a flat terrain all the way back. Two kilometers later I was passing by Kolanya Boys High School on my right followed immediately by Kolanya Girls on the left. (Those two have an history but that is for another day. Just know that the girls had beaten the boys academically until last year when it is claimed both changed top management). After Kolanya market, I was on the last three kilometers back to my end of run.
When I arrived back at 6.30pm and informed my hosts that am just through with a 19.4km run, had overtaken a lorry and that they failed to warn me of the hilly section to Angurai, they were in so much shock to even comment. My stop watch registering 1.28.38. To them only someone out of his mind would run that distance. Thinking about it, who in his right mind would chase the wind that long!
WWB, Malakisi, Kenya, March 2010
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